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A Brief Overview


Updated: Sep 2, 2022

From Shylo Bourdeau:

I am a Mother, Farmer and activist. I founded a freedom network for Vermonters in 2020 and have been working on building a farming community on my land. My family lives off the grid and implements a home study program for our sons.

In 2020 I was contacted by the Orleans County Sheriff department regarding my 'children's education'. I was told they needed to be registered with the state. I spoke with the Sheriff and shared what the Vermont Statutes state regarding attendance and discipline for school aged children (16 V.S.A subsection 1121) and the home study program (16 V.S.A subsection 166b). The Sheriff agreed that there was no law to register the children with the state and I never heard from them again. The North Country Supervisory Union reached out and we came to the same conclusion. They could not provide a law that required me to do what they were requesting.

In 2022 DCF began contacting me regarding a report made to them and claiming educational neglect. They came to the property and were told to they were trespassing and needed to leave.

I have never been served any papers regarding the situation and was not further contacted by DCF.

State police came to my home and were told no solicitation and we were not interested in their services. They left.

On August 29th, 2022 I was notified that there was an attempted kidnapping of my sons being facilitated by their grandmother who was driving them to the courthouse in Newport Vermont with police escort.

I traveled to the courthouse and picked up my sons to get them to safety. While doing this my partner was forcefully taken and is still being held by the police department. These criminals who were attempting to kidnap my sons are now coming after me with false allegations.

I am publicly putting any and all police, judges, states attorneys, dcf workers or any state agents involved with this crime against my family on notice of US codes title 18 sections 241 and 242. Harm has come to my family from their actions and any further attempts to kidnap my sons or unlawfully imprison me or anyone in my family and or community, will force me to take further legal action against these state agents both in a professional and personal capacity. I demand my family be restored with immediate release of my partner and those engaging in criminal behavior against us agree to cease and desist immediately.

I am publicly reaching out to the greater community for support in this situation. We need to band together and let the state know this community will not allow our people to be terrorized. Please call and gather at the VSP derby barracks and the Orleans County courthouse. Bring your signs of support and let them know their actions are being witnessed!!



Free the Wild North Family

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