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Rally: Hands off our Kids!



Main Street, blue balloons

Newport, VT

November. 8, 2022

12:00pm Meet

1:00pm March

2:00pm Speak

On Tuesday, November 8, a rally will be held in Newport, VT to raise awareness for the broken systems (court, DCF, the state) that strike many innocent families seemingly out of nowhere. Families are often unaware of their rights and don't know how to represent themselves or handle the system and process in general. They may feel railroaded by the system and the outcomes can often be dire, at best.

Many, many families have faced this. You are not alone in this struggle and it is not okay.

We will be meeting on Main Street at noon (look for the blue balloons). If you are able, wear blue so that we can show our solidarity in color! From 12-1pm, we will meet and mingle.

At 1pm, we will be marching up and down Main Street with signs. Please bring your own sign. Foam board is available at Walmart & The Dollar Tree for very cheap. You are free to write what you want on your sign regarding this topic but the theme is "Hands off our Kids".

At 2pm, we will return to the meeting spot and will have speakers tell their story. All attendees are invited to share their story or speak on this situation. Additionally, if you have an experience you would like to share here, or read aloud at the rally, please email us at As always, you are free to remain completely anonymous when your story is shared.

Feel free to bring a chair, a blanket, snacks and water for this gathering. This gathering is family friendly and good vibes are welcome. We hope to have a great turnout and hope to see you there!

This post will have the latest information and updates for this rally.

Please follow THIS LINK for information about corruption in the state of Vermont and beyond. This list will be ever evolving as we research.

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